Early History of Square Cedar Cemetery

As Reported in some of the Early Original Minutes

A public meeting was held at the Oak Grove Schoolhouse on March 29, 1895, to organize a Cemetery Association. House was called to order by C. H. France. E. D. Ford was elected Chairman and August Leetman Secretary. It was moved and seconded that we call this society The Oak Grove Cemetery Association. The motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that the House elect a committee of three to draft rules and regulations for the association and report the same at the next meeting. Motion carried. C. H. France, M. D. Bockoven and J. E. Webber were elected. It was moved and seconded that the House elect three Trustees, Director, Clerk and Treasurer. Director to serve 3 years, clerk 2 years, and treasurer 1 year. Motioned carried. C. H. France was elected Director, J. D. Baxter clerk and E. D. Ford treasurer. Meeting adjourned to meet April 8, 1895.

Oak Grove Cemetery Association met April 8, according to adjournment. The chairman in the chair, the minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. The committee on rules and regulations reported. They were read and adopted by sections as read. Adjourned. Oak Grove Cemetery Association Rules and Regulations as Adopted during this meeting:

  • The object of this association is to acquire title, preserve and beautify for a cemetery the following described lands, to wit: One acre of the NW E 1/4 and one acre SW 1/4 of Section 27, Township 23, Range 11 sitting in Woods County, Oklahoma. Said land to be deeded to the trustees in the name of the association
  • It shall be a cardinal principle of this association that every benefit be absolutely free to the public in general.
  • There shall be a trustee elected to serve three years at the annual meeting of this association on the second Tuesday in every succeeding March.
  • Special meetings may be called by the Board of Trustees whenever they deem it best for the association.
  • Any proposed amendment to these rules shall be passed on at the regular meeting, the public to be notified of the proposed amendment prior to the amendment.
  • The Oak Grove Cemetery Association met March 10, 1896. Report of treasurer read and adopted. M. D. Bockoven was elected treasurer. Moved and seconded that a committee of 4 go and get cedar trees. Motion carried A. H. France, Joseph Harper, J.E. Webber and Burns Baxter were elected. Committee to go the third Monday in April. Adjourned.

    The Oak Grove Cemetery Association met at the school house March 9, 1897. Clerks and treasurer reports were read and adopted. J. D. Baxter was elected clerk. It was voted that the Trustees fence the cemetery with cedar posts and 6 barb wires. Voted that the trustees circulate a subscription paper to raise the money for the fence. Committee of D. E. Sparks, W. S. Purcell, W. A. Knapp was appointed to aid trustees. People to meet at cemetery last day of March to work. Adjourned.

    The Oak Grove Cemetery Association met at school house March 14, 1898. J. H. France was elected director. Moved and seconded that the Board buy 100 ash, 100 box elders trees and plant to beautify the cemetery. Henry Freed was appointed to circulate a subscription paper to raise such money as was needed. Motion was seconded that the Board have power to spend money for anything they think best for the cemetery. People to meet April 1st to work. Adjourned.

    Regular meeting held March 14, 1899. J. H. France chairman, M. D. Bockoven elected treasurer, J. D. Baxter clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held April 18, 1902. Elmer France was elected treasurer for a term of 3 years. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association, March 1903. J. D. Baxter elected clerk. Moved and seconded that trustees purchase receipt book to issue deeds from. Motion carried. Motion seconded that $2.00 be charged for each deed issued. Moved and seconded that the above rules be optional with the public in order not to violate the rules of the Association until next annual meeting. J. D. Baxter, Clerk

    Regular meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association, March 1904. Minutes of last meeting read and approved with exception of the clause relating to the deeds of said cemetery which will be carried over until the next annual meeting. V. R. Thompson, Secretary Pro tem.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association, March 17, 1906. W. S. Purcell Chairman. J. D. Baxter elected Clerk. Trustees instructed to buy pressed brick to mark lots at earliest possible dates. Necessary money to be raised by subscription. C. N. France, Secretary Pro tem.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held April, 10, 1907 at Square Cedar School House. E. L. Jewelt elected chairman for 3 years. Voted that Lot No. 77 belonging to E. L. Jewelt the north line was extended two feet farther north. Lot No. 78 was extended two feet farther north. The north line of lot No. 79 was extended two feet farther north leaving Lot No. 80 six feet. Moved and seconded that we keep up the cemetery by donation. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held March 10, 1908 at cemetery. C. H. France was elected Treasurer for term of 3 years. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held at C. H. France's house on March 20, 1909. J. D. Baxter elected Clerk for 3 years. J. D Baxter, Clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held at Square Cedar School House March 11, 1910. Edwin Bickel elected President for 3 years. E. L. Jewett elected to serve unexpired term of C. H. France for one year as Treasurer. Moved that clerk straighten up records. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    Annual meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association met at cemetery, May 26, 1911. W. T. Long elected director to serve unexpired term of one year of Edwin Bickel. E. L. Jewett elected treasurer for 3 years. Moved that fence be fixed. Committee to collect money, S. N. Baxter, Mrs McFateen, Walt Meliza, Will Adcock. Adjourned. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    Meeting of Oak Grove Cemetery Association held at cemetery April 12, ----. Roy Harmon Chairman, Edgar Reed was elected trustee. Committee of three was appointed to see if title to the land was good. J. D. Baxter, G. W. Tracey on committee. J. D. Baxter, Clerk.

    The above was the last record of any meetings held until May 7th, 1935, a meeting of the trustees was called at the school house for the purpose of discussing plans for the upkeep of the cemetery and also devise some way whereby lots may be obtained for future use as well as immediate use. Plans were also discussed for enlarging the grounds and the putting out of trees. It was agreed that plans made be submitted to public meeting to be held May 7, 1935.

    Tuesday night, May 7, 1935, a meeting of the Square Cedar Cemetery Association was held at the Square Cedar School House. Walter Meliza, chairman, called the meeting to order. J D Baxter brought before the House the need for devising some plan to enlarge the cemetery and providing means for its upkeep. Motion was made by Ed Ford, seconded by Ralph Ryel that a membership fee of $2.00 and annual dues of $1.00 be charged. Membership fee to entitle holder to choice of one lot if he does not already have the use of a lot. Prior to the use of the selected lot same is to revert to the Association in case of failure to pay yearly dues. Lots not transferrable. Failure at any time to pay dues forfeits membership in the Association. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made, seconded and carried that the Trustees, J D Baxter, Edgar Reed and Walter Meliza procure deeds to two acres additional land if possible. Suggestion made that Trustees see about procurring more land at once. Meeting adjourned. Money on hand $26.00. --J D Baxter, Clerk

    Square Cedar Cemetery Association met at Square Cedar School House March 10, 1936, Walter Meliza in the chair. Secretary report red and approved. Walter Meliza was elected chairman for a term of 3 years. Trustees reported having obtained deeds for one acre from R V Goodwin on the north and one acre acre of J D Baxter on the south of the original plot. Deeds obtained for $1.00 each. They also reported plans were being made to fence the additional land. It was agreed to meet and work at the cemetery, wednesday, March 18th. Adjourned, --J D Baxter, Clerk.

  • Balance brought forward $26.00
  • Received from membership $68.00
  • Received from dues $ 9.00
  • Total $103.00
  • Paid out for record book $6.80
  • Paid out membership cards $3.50
  • Paid out deeds $2.00
  • Paid out recording deeds $2.00
  • Expense in securing deeds $3.50
  • Posts from lumber yard $7.63
  • Purchase of fence $27.60
  • Post cards for meeting $.71
  • Total $53.74
  • Balance on Hand $49.26
  • Square Cedar Cemetery Association met at Square Cedar School House March 9, 1937. Walter Meliza chairman called the meeting to order. Secretary's report read and approved. Treasurer's report read and approved. J D Baxter was elected secretary for a term of three years. This Association was organized under the name Oak Grove, later it took on the name of Square Cedar Cemetery Association. As the records do not show that the name was officially changed, a motion was made and seconded that the name be changed to the Square Cedar Cemetery Association. Motion carried. Rule number "5" of the Constitution states "Any proposed ammendment to these rules shall be passed on at the regular meeting, the public to be notified of the proposed ammendment prior to the meeting". It was noted that this last clause of the rule be struck out. It was voted that all money be paid to the secretary and proper record made of same. All money to be turned to the treasurer as collected, getting his receipt therefore. That all money be deposited in the name of the Association, trustees naming the bank. All money to be paid out by the clerk signed by secretary and counter signed by treasurer. It was voted that the name, age, and date of death of deceased be given the secretary that a complete record may be kept. Adjourned, J D Baxter, Secretary.

  • Balance brought forward $ 49.26
  • Received member fees $ 34.00
  • Received dues $ 36.00
  • Paid out labor & supplies $ 24.45
  • Balance on Hand $ 94.81
  • July 21, 1965, the board members met and approved an ammendment Rule 10. The Board of the Square Cedar Cemetery Association has made an ammendment to raise the dues fee of lots from $2.00 to $4.00. The Board also made an ammendment for perpetual life care with a fee of $50.00 per lot or $25.00 per one-half lot paid up for life. The Board also made an ammendment that when a lot is sold that the $50.00 perpetual fee and the $10.00 membership fee must be paid. The Board also made an ammendment the $2.00 per year on lots that are already sold, or they are also permitted to pay the $50.00 perpetual care. The Board also made an ammendment that there be no curbs made around the lots above the ground.

    At the annual Square Cedar Cemetery Association on March 11, 1986 it was brought up to raise the price of perpetual care. As one board member was absent, they decided to meet at a later date on June 3, 1986.

    On June 3, 1986, the directors held a meeting on the above proposed question. The meeting was called to order by president Julian Nightengale. The business was to raise the price of perpetual care on cemetery lots. Francis Foster made a motion to raise price from $50.00 to $90.00. Evelyn McNickle seconded the motion. Rule number 11 carried with all three directors agreeing making full lot $90.00 perpetual care and $10.00 membership fee for total of $100.00 per lot, effective this date June 3, 1986. Meeting adjourned, F S Foster, Secretary.