Rules and Regulations

--As adopted from earliest date to current--

  • Rule 1 - The object of this association is to acquire title, preserve and beautify for a cemetery the following described lands, to wit: One acre of the NW E 1/4 and one acre SW 1/4 of Section 27, Township 23, Range 11 sitting in Woods County, Oklahoma. Said land to be deeded to the trustees in the name of the association
  • Rule 2 - It shall be a cardinal principle of this association that every benefit be absolutely free to the public in general.
  • Rule 3 - There shall be a trustee elected to serve three years at the annual meeting of this association on the second Tuesday in every succeeding March.
  • Rule 4 - Special meetings may be called by the Board of Trustees whenever they deem it best for the association.
  • Rule 5 - Any proposed amendment to these rules shall be passed on at the regular meeting, the public to be notified of the proposed amendment prior to the amendment.
  • Rule 6
  • Rule 7
  • Rule 8